So the world is ending due to climate change and impending AI doom, but that’s no reason to be glum! Here at Casual Tees Of War we thought what better way to celebrate the final chapter of the human race and the depletion of our earth’s natural resources than offering a range of t-shirts in 100% organic cotton. We also sell t-shirts that are made from cotton that is labelled in conversion to organic in order to support the farmers that are committed to changing their industry. Cotton in conversion allows farms growing cotton organically to sell their crop while they are in the process of getting fully certified.
Besides involving the use of pesticides and insecticides that are harmful to the environment and everyone in it, traditional cotton production methods are very resource-intensive, requiring as much as 2700 litres of water for just one measly t-shirt!
Thankfully we don’t do measly t-shirts here, and our organic cotton tees require on average less than 60x as much water to be manufactured. Fuck yeah!

Not ones to let an existential catastrophe or two to put a dampener on things, we stay committed to our animal chums by offering all of our designs printed in vegan inks that are made with zero animal ingredients or derivatives.
Not only that, but the water-based inks we use to produce your fresh, new garms are certified by the OEKO-TEX® Eco Passport system which verifies that the chemicals and colourants used in the production process are not harmful to human health while also serving as proof of which articles meet the criteria for ecologically responsible textile manufacture.
And if all that wasn’t enough to divert your attention away from the transitory and ultimately meaningless nature of everything, then you’ll be super stoked to know that our t-shirts also have been awarded the Global Organic Textile Standard 5.0 label!
The aim of the standard is to define requirements to ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer.
Just when you thought you’d heard it all, to top it all off our products are packaged in recycled, 100% plastic-free material. Even the bloody packing slips are printed on paper from sustainable forests! Yeah buddy!